Your Partner for individual Programmable Motor Controllers
MOCON 10, Two in One
- Two powerful output stage amplifiers capable of driving 2 separate DC-motors
- Combined, 1 Stepping motor (unipolar, bipolar) or 1 brushless DC motor (BLDC)
- Microprocessor controlled
- Flexible application programmable interface (API)
- Configurable via USB ot UART
- Optional connectivity over Bluetooth, Wireless ISM, or Ethernet
- We can also supply a variation of different motors and housings
For more Information and prices.
Technical specifications:
- Compact size 80x63x10mm
- Operating voltage from 5.5V to 28VDC
- Continues operating current 20A
- Maximum short term peak current 50A
- 6 digital Inputs
- 2 analog inputs maximum 3.3V
- Electrical measurment of the motor current to protect against Clamping or Blocking
- Variations of our motor control unit are used be our customers world wide